Campbell Valley Park Family Session

Golden Hour was beyond perfect for this Family Session at Campbell Valley Park Langley, BC! Who would have thought that this sweet family of four could brighten the evening up even more. With every family session I book I send out an outfit style guide to help inspire families to coordinate and choose colors that will look best in their photos. This family hit it out of the park with their outfit selection. This cranberry color is the epitome of fall.

The two little girls in their matching dresses loved every second running around Campbell Valley park. One thing I always tell the parents during their family sessions is let the kids be kids, and these two did just that. Everyone is more relaxed when we let the session flow naturally instead of forcing children into big cheesy smiles and posed positions. The best part of that method is that usually by the end of the session the children are worn out and ready for bedtime. It’s a win for everyone!

Always keep an eye out on my instagram where I announce my annual family mini sessions at Campbell Valley Park! These thirty minutes sessions are the perfect length of time for when you have little ones.

Do want you want to see more family sessions? Here is another one at Pitt Lake!

If you are ready to book your family session click here.


